Albania’s EU Membership Process
- Accesion criteria
- Berlin Process for Western Balkans
- Stabilisation and Association Process with Albania
- EU financial assistance
- EU-Albania negotiations
- Partnership Platform on European Integration
- Albania-EU Integration Library/Resource Hub
Accession criteria
The official starting point of applying for EU membership is the endorsement of the application by an aspirant country to the Presidency of European Union. The European Commission provides a formal Opinion (Avis) on the applicant country, recommending or not to grant the candidate status and open negotiations. Once the Council unanimously agrees a negotiating mandate, negotiations may be formally opened between the candidate and all the Member States. But, before negotiations start the applicant country must meet the EU accession criteria.
The so-called "Copenhagen criteria", set out in December 1993 by the European Council in Copenhagen, require a candidate country to have:
- stable institutions that guarantee democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities;
- a functioning market economy, as well as the ability to cope with the pressure of competition and the market forces at work inside the Union;
- the ability to assume the obligations of membership, in particular adherence to the objectives of political, economic and monetary union.
In the Copenhagen criteria, the Madrid European Council, held on December 1995, added a fourth criteria requiring the candidate country to put EU rules and procedures into effect through the adjustment of its administrative structures. The importance of establishment of appropriate administrative and judicial structures is a precondition for the effective implementation of EU legislation.
Milestone of EU - Albania relation
17 December 2024 - The Third Intergovernmental Conference between Albania and EU took place, officially opening the Sixth Cluster of EU Acquis Chapters - External Relations
30 October 2024 - The EC launches the Country Report for Albania and the EU Enlargement Package 2024
15 October 2024 - The Second Intergovernmental Conference between Albania and EU took place, officially opening the First Cluster of EU Acquis Chapters - Fundamentals
14 October 2024 - The 10th Berlin Process Summit organised
24 November 2023 - Albania has successfully completed the screening process for six thematic clusters in Brussels
8 November 2023 - The EC launches the Country Report for Albania and the EU Enlargement Package 2023
16 October 2023 - the Berlin Process Summit convened in Tirana for the first time outside the borders of the EU
16 March 2023- the 12th Stabilisation and Association Council meeting took place for the first time in Tirana
3 November 2022- the Berlin Process 2022 Western Balkans Summit is organized and the Western Balkan leaders sign 3 agreements
12 October 2022- The EC launches the Country Report for Albania and The Communication on EU Enlargement Policy
19 July 2022- Organization of the First Intergovernmental Conference between Albania and EU and official opening of the EU accession talks
19 October 2021 - The Commission publishes the Enlargement Strategy for the Western Balkans and Turkey, and the respective country reports
6 October 2021 - The EU-Western Balkans summit in Brdo takes place where EU reaffirmed their support for the European perspective of the WB
15 September 2021 - IPA III covering the period 2021-2027 is adopted by the European Parliament with a total of 14 billion Euros for 6 WB countries + Turkey
5 July 2021 – The Berlin Process Summit is organized virtually
10 June 2021- Western Balkan leaders meet for Tirana Economic Summit
6 October 2020 - The Commission publishes the report on Albania and the enlargement strategy for the Western Balkans
July 2020 - The Commission introduces the draft negotiating framework to the Member States
6 May 2020 - The EU-Western Balkans Zagreb Summit takes place online, highlighting EU support for regional integration.
24 March 2020 - The European Council approves the opening of negotiations with Albania and Northern Macedonia.
2 March 2020 - Update on the Republic of Albanian Progress
2 February 2020 - The Commission presents the new enlargement methodology
17-18 October 2019 - Postpone of negotiation by the Comission
18 June 2019 - European Council decides to postpone the descision for opening of negotiations no later than October 2019.
29 May 2019 - EC launches 2019 Report for Albania and Western Balkans Enlargement Strategy.
26 June 2018 - The Council agrees to respond positively to the above progress made by Albania and sets out the path towards opening the accession negotiations in June 2019.
07 April 2018 - Launching of the 2018 Report for Albania by European Commission, and EC recommendation to the Council for opening the accession negotiations with Albania.
06 February 2018 - European Commission adopts its strategy for ‘A credible enlargement perspective for and enhanced EU engagement with the Western Balkans'
09 November 2016 – The EC launches the Country Report for Albania 2016
09 November 2016 – The EC presents the Enlargement Strategy for Western Balkans
30 March 2016 –6th meeting of High Level Dialogue EU-Albania in Tirana
24 March 2015 – 5th meeting of High Level Dialogue Albania-EU takes place in Tirana
29 September 2014 - 4th meeting of High Level Dialogue EU-Albania takes place.
24 June 2014 - 3rd meeting of High Level Dialogue EU-Albania takes place.
27 June 2014 - The Council of EU welcomed on 24 June, the Commission's report of 4 June 2014 and, in light of its examination of Albania's continued progress, decided to grant Albania candidate status, subject to endorsement by the European Council. The European Council meeting on 26-27 June 2014 decided that Albania was a candidate country.
06 March 2014 – 2nd meeting of the High Level Dialogue EU-Albania meeting addressing the 5 key priorities takes place
12 November 2013 - 1st meeting of the High Level Dialogue on the Key Priorities.
16 October 2013 - The Commission, based in the progress achieved recommends to the European Council the granting of candidate status to Albania and the country should continue to take action in the fight against corruption. This recommendation is included in the Development Strategy and Main Challenges 2013-2014.
12 December 2012 - The European Council welcomed the overall progress made by Albania to meet the 12 key priorities laid out in the Commission's 2010 opinion. However, it will only grant Tirana candidate status once the EU executive reports that the necessary progress has been achieved in the areas of judicial and public administration reforms and revision of the parliamentary rules of procedure. "The successful conduct of parliamentary elections in 2013 will be a crucial test for the smooth functioning of the country's democratic institutions," the ministers noted.
10 October 2012 -The EC launches the Progress Report on Albania 2012,recommending that Albania be granted a conditioned EU candidate status.
12 October 2011 - The EC launches the Progress Report on Albania 2011, concluded that conditions for opening of accession negotiations have not yet been met.
10 June 2011 - The Albanian Government adopts the Action Plan addressing the 12 key priorities of the EC Opinion regarding the proper functioning of Parliament, strengthening the rule of law, accomplishment of the public administration reforms, fighting corruption and against organized crime, strengthening property rights, reinforcing the protection of human rights and improving the treatment of the detainees.
9 November 2010 - The EC delivers its Opinion on Albania's Application for EU Membership, neither granting candidate status, nor proposing to open negotiations. The Opinion set out 12 key priorities to be addressed by Albania in order to mark progress in its European path.
8 November 2010 - Endorsement by the Council of the decision to grant visa liberalisation to Albanian citizens.
27 May 2010 - The EC adopts a proposal to enable citizens of Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina to travel to Schengen countries without needing a short term visa.
18 May 2009 - The first meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and Albania.
28 April 2009 - The Albanian government submits its application for the EU Membership.
1 April 2009 - Entry into force of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA).
3 June 2008 - The European Commission (EC) presents the Roadmap towards visa - free regime setting 42 benchmarks to the Albanian authorities on the measures needed to be taken in order to grant visa free travel to its citizens.
18 February 2008 - The Council decision on a revised European partnership for Albania.
1 January 2008 - Entry into force of the Visa Facilitation Agreement between Albania and the EU.
January 2007 - Entry into force of the new instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA).
1 December 2006 - Entry into force of the Interim Agreement between Albania and the European Community.
12 June 2006 - Signature of the SAA between the European Communities and its Member States, of the one part, and Albania, on the other one.
1 May 2006 - Entry into force of the Readmission Agreement between Albania and European Community.
January 2006 - The Council decision on a revised European Partnership for Albania.
14 April 2005 - Signature of the Readmission Agreement between Albania and European Community.
June 2004 - The Council decision on a first European Partnership for Albania.
May 2004 - The European Council launches the TAIEX Programme for legislation harmonization by countries involved in the Stabilization and Association process.
21 June 2003 - The Thessaloniki Summit confirms the EU perspective of the Western Balkan countries well as the SAP as the policy framework of their EU course.
31 January 2003 - President of EU Commission, Mr. Romano Prodi officially launches the negotiations for the SAA between EU and Albania.
October 2002 - Adoption of the negotiating directives for the negotiation of the SAA with Albania.
June 2001 - The European Council invites the Commission to present draft negotiating directives for the negotiation of the SAA with Albania.
2001- The Commission recommends the undertaking of negotiations on the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with Albania.
2001 - First year of the implementation of the CARDS Programme, applied to all the countries part of the Stabilisation and Association Process.
24 November 2000 - The Zagreb Summit officially launches the Stabilization and Association Process (SAP) for five countries of South-Eastern Europe, including Albania. The Summit underlines the connection between the progress in the countries of the region towards democracy, rule of law, regional reconciliation and cooperation on one hand and the prospect of possible accession to the EU on the other hand.
19 - 20 June 2000 - The Feira European Council states that SAP countries are "potential candidates" for EU membership.
1999 - Albania benefits from Autonomous Trade Preferences with the EU.
10 June 1999 - Adaptation of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe in Cologne. In the founding document, more than 40 partner countries and organisations engaged to strengthen the countries of South Eastern Europe "in their efforts to foster peace, democracy, respect for human rights and economic prosperity in order to achieve stability in the whole region".
3 - 4 June 1999 - The Cologne European Council reaffirms the readiness of the European Union to draw the countries of this region closer to the prospect of full integration into its structures. This would be done through a new kind of contractual relationship (later recognised as the Stabilisation and Association Process - SAP) taking into account the individual situations of each country, including progress in regional cooperation, and with a prospect of European Union membership on the basis of the Amsterdam Treaty and fulfilment of the criteria defined at the Copenhagen European Council in June 1993.
29 April 1997 - The EU establishes political and economic conditions to be fulfilled by these countries, as the basis for a coherent and transparent policy towards the development of bilateral relations in the field of trade, financial assistance and economic cooperation, as well as of contractual relations.
26 February 1996 - The EU adopts a Regional Approach to the countries of South-Eastern Europe.
5 November 1992 - Entry into force of the Trade and Co-operation Agreement between Albania and the European Economic Community. Albania becomes eligible for the EU PHARE Programme, an important step towards restructuring EU assistance to Albania in key reform areas.
11 May 1992 - Signature of the Trade and Co-operation Agreement between Albania and the European Economic Community.
June 1991 - Establishment of diplomatic relations between Albania and the European Economic Community.
Berlin Process
The Berlin Process is an initiative aimed at stepping up regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and supporting the integration of these countries into the European Union. The Berlin Process started with the Western Balkans Conference, which German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted in Berlin on August 28, 2014, with the Prime Ministers, Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Ministers of Economy from the Western Balkan countries. It was agreed in Berlin that the conference would serve as a framework for a period of four years, during which efforts will be made to make further progress in the reform process, in resolving bilateral and internal issues, and in reaching reconciliation between and within societies in the region.
The Process is taking place with support of the European Commission, international financial institutions and the Member States involved in the Process – Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and the United Kingdom. It is supplementary to the individual countries’ institutional EU integration process, based on the adoption of the acquis communautaire.
The Process’s connectivity agenda refers to linking the people (social dimension), economies (economic dimension) and states (political dimension) of the region. Within this agenda, the Process has thus far yielded initiatives and projects in the fields of transport and infrastructure, economic connectivity, youth cooperation and cooperation among businesses and among the civil societies of the Western Balkans. It also inspired intergovernmental cooperation through entities set up during its course: the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), the Western Balkans Chambers Investment Forum (WBCIF) and the Western Balkans Fund (WBF).
Alongside the meetings of the highest governmental officials (Western Balkan Summit Series), the Berlin Process encompasses the meetings of the representatives of regional civil society organisations (Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkan Summit Series), youth organisations (Youth Forum) and business associations (Business Forum). These issues were followed and advanced to the Western Balkans Summit in Vienna on August 27, 2015; in Paris on July 4, 2016; in Trieste on July 12, 2017 and in London on 9-10 July 2018, in Poznan, Poland on 4-5 July 2019, a virtual meeting in Sofia in 2020 and in Berlin in 2021. In 2022 the summit was organized physically in Berlin, where it propelled the Common Regional Market action plan during meetings including those of Internal Affairs, Foreign Ministers, Energy Ministers, and the Western Balkans Summit. In 2023, the Berlin Process made history by holding its meetings for the first time outside the EU, in Tirana, Albania, with a packed agenda culminating in the Berlin Summit on October 16th, 2023. In 2024, the Berlin Process marked its tenth anniversary with a summit held in Berlin, reaffirming its commitment to accelerating the EU integration process for the Western Balkan region.
Key Documents of Berlin Process
Declarations by the Chairs of Berlin Process Summits:
Declaration by the Chair of the Berlin Process Summit 2024
Declaration by the Chair of the Tirana Berlin Process Summit 2023
Declaration by the Chair of the Berlin Process Summit 2022
Declaration by the Chair of the Berlin Process Summit 2021
Declaration by the Chair of the Sophie Berlin Process Summit 2020
Declaration by the Chair of the Poznan Berlin Process Summit 2019
Declaration by the Chair of the London Berlin Process Summit 2018
Declaration by the Chair of the Trieste Berlin Process Summit 2017
Final Declaration by the Chair of the Paris Berlin Process Summit 2016
Final Declaration by the Chair of the Vienna Berlin Process Summit 2015
Final Declaration by the Chair of the Berlin Process Summit 2014
Other official documents:
Policy Recommendations, Berlin 2021
Treaty establishing the Transport Community, Trieste 2017
Agreement on the establishment of Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), Paris 2016
Agreement concerning the establishment of Western Balkans Fund (WBF), Prague 2015
Agreement on establishment of Chamber Investment Forum, Vienna 2015
For more information please refer this page: The Berlin Process- Information and Resource Centre
The Stabilisation and Association Process (SAP) is the basic framework for the relations between Albania and EU. This process, which aims to contribute to political and economic stability in the region. It was launched in 1999 as a new approach of the European Union to the region of Western Balkans. For the first time, the new approach included the EU perspective of the countries of the Western Balkans. SAP has three aims:
- Stabilizing the countries of the region and supporting them to make the shift to a market economy
- Promoting regional cooperation
- Future perspective of EU membership
Stabilisation and Association Agreement
Upon the entry into force of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA), the political dialogue between Albania and the EU takes place within the structure of the Stabilization and Association Council (SAC) and other common joint structures. The Stabilization and Association Council meets once a year to perform an overall assessment of the SAA implementation and reviews any important issue arising within the framework of its implementation.
In addition, the political dialogue at parliamentary level between Albania and the EU also takes place within the framework of the SAA, which foresees the establishment of the Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee composed of members of the European Parliament and the Albanian Parliament.
The twelfth meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement- 16 March 2023
The eleventh meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement- 1 March 2021
The tenth meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement - 14 November 2019
How is Albania's progress evaluated by seventh and eighth meeting of SA Council
The ninth meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement - 15 November 2017
The eighth meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement - 08 September 2016
The seventh meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement - 18 May 2015
The sixth meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement - 12 May 2014
The fifth meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement - 23 April 2013
The fourth meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement - 15 May 2012
The third meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement - 19 July 2011
The second meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement - 11 May 2010
The first meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement - 18 May 2009
Stabilisation and Association Agreement Useful Documents:
Stabilisation - Association Committee 2018
Stabilisation - Association Committee 2017
Stabilisation - Association Committee 2016
Report on preparation for the negotiation of a Stabilisation and Association Agreement with Albania
High Level Dialogue:
On 11 November 2013, the high Level Dialogue on Key Priorities was launched between Albania and the European Commission, with the participation of the Government, independent institutions and the opposition. The High Level Dialogue (HLD) platform constitutes an essential element to ensure an all-encompassing process and focus energies on the necessary reform for advancing the European agenda of Albania.
The sixth meeting High Level Dialogue on the Key Priorities - 30 March 2016
The fifth meeting High Level Dialogue on the Key Priorities - 24 March 2015
The fourth meeting High Level Dialogue on the Key Priorities - 29 September 2014
The third meeting of the High Level Dialogue on the Key Priorities - 4 June 2014
The second meeting of the High Level Dialogue on the Key Priorities - 06 March 2014
The first meeting of the High Level Dialogue on the Key Priorities - 12 November 2013
New Growth Plan for the Western Balkans
On 8 November 2023, the European Commission adopted a new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, with the aim of bringing the Western Balkan partners closer to the EU through offering some of the benefits of EU membership to the region in advance of accession, boosting economic growth and accelerating socio-economic convergence. Economic convergence is an essential element in getting the Western Balkan partners closer to the EU. The Growth Plan has the potential to double the size of the Western Balkan economies within the next 10 years. The Growth Plan incentivizes the Western Balkans’ preparations for EU membership and the need to accelerate reforms, by bringing forward some of its benefits which will directly benefit the citizens of the Western Balkan countries. This in turn should significantly accelerate the speed of the enlargement process and the growth of their economies.
The new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans is based on four pillars, aimed at:
- Enhancing economic integration with the European Union’s single market, subject to the Western Balkans aligning with single market rules and opening the relevant sectors and areas to all their neighbours at the same time, in line with the Common Regional Market.
- Boosting economic integration within the Western Balkans through the Common Regional Market, based on EU rules and standards, which could potentially add 10% to their economies.
- Accelerating fundamental reforms, including on the fundamentals cluster, supporting the Western Balkans’ path towards EU membership, improving sustainable economic growth including through attracting foreign investments and strengthening regional stability.
- Increasing financial assistance to support the reforms through a Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans for the period 2024-2027, a proposal for a new instrument worth €6 billion, consisting of €2 billion in grants and €4 billion in concessional loans, with payment conditioned on the Western Balkans’ partners fulfilling specific socio-economic and fundamental reforms. Half of the funds, about € 3 billion in the form of long-term loans, will be released as direct support to the national budgets, and the other half will be allocated through the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF), in the form of € 2 billion in grants and € 1 billion in loans. The Facility will have country envelopes, whose amount will be based on the number of inhabitants and GDP. As part of the Growth Plan, every Western Balkan partner is invited to prepare a Reform Agenda that will be consulted with, assessed and adopted by the Commission.
Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans
The Economic and Investment Plan (EPI) is a long-term plan by the EU which aims to provide around 30 billion Euros for the Western Balkan between 2021 and 2027. The funding comes along with different ideas of its supposed impact in the region. The EU therefore articulated 10 flagships (topics) which can be brought down to four different main goals. Firstly, the EU aims to support the economy of the Western Balkan region which experienced another backlash during the COVID crisis. Therefore, it plans to strengthen the competitiveness of the private sector, to empower the youth and work on their integration into the job market. It secondly highlights the importance of a green and digital transition. This shall be implemented by, for example, supporting renewable energies, renovation buildings for a better living standard and less energy usage, improving the waste system, and extending digital infrastructure. Thirdly, the cooperation and connectivity within the region shall be strengthened by building new transition roads between its countries. Fourthly, the convergence to the EU is set into focus. The investment plan is seen as a support for the region as well as an instrument to bring the region and the EU closer together.
1. Instrument of Pre- Accession (IPA)
Since 2007, the European Union introduced a new instrument in the financial perspective 2007-2013, called the Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). IPA is a single legislative framework replacing all the previous EU instruments and programmes supporting Western Balkans. It is applied to the EU candidate and potential candidate countries of the Western Balkan Countries (WB) and Turkey. Since its establishment, IPA has become the driving force to assist these countries in adjusting their system in compliance with the European standards and policies in their accession perspective. In this regard, IPA is an instrument that supports countries in meeting political and economic criteria and to approximate their national legislation with that of the EU. This crucial goal is being achieved through the institutional building, the preparation for the management of the EU funds and some mini structural funds.
IPA III (2021-2027) was adopted on 15 September 2021 by the European Parliament. It builds on the former IPA II (2014-2020) and helps to prepare partners for future memberships of the EU and promotes their accession process by providing EUR 14,162 billion for the period 2021-2027. The beneficiaries are Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and Türkiye. Funds under IPA III are allocated to address country-specific needs and priorities, guided by EU accession priorities outlined in each beneficiary country's Accession Partnership Document, supporting critical sectors and policy areas while emphasizing a performance-based approach to ensure effective utilization and progress towards EU accession objectives, alongside potential support for regional cooperation initiatives fostering stability and reconciliation. The main objectives of IPA III are: - Supporting EU accession; - Promoting shared values, reforms and institution-building; - Addressing socio-economic challenges and post COVID-19 recovery; - Enhancing regional cooperation and reconciliation; - Aligning with EU policies and standards.
Therefore, it has five thematic windows:
Window 1: Rule of law, fundamental rights and democracy
Windows 2: Good governance, EU acquis alignment, good neighborly relations and strategic communication
Window 3: Green agenda and sustainable connectivity
Window 4: Competitiveness and inclusive growth
Window 5: Territorial and cross-border cooperation
IPA II was built on the results already achieved by dedicating € 11.7 billion for the period 2014-2020. Beneficiaries of IPA II are: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey. Albanian Financial assistance under IPA II consists on a funding allocation of € 649.4 million for the period 2014-2020. The priority sectors for funding are:
- Democracy & governance
- Rule of law & fundamental rights
- Environment
- Competitiveness & innovation
- Transport
- Education, employment & social policies
- Agriculture & rural development
- Regional & territorial cooperation
IPA I was composed by five components following:
- Transition Assistance and Institutional Building
- Regional and Cross-Border Co-operation
- Regional Development
- Human Resources Development
- Rural Development
The beneficiary countries of IPA I were divided into two categories: EU potential candidate countries (like Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, and Kosovo) profit partially from IPA, currently from components I and II, meanwhile EU candidate countries (such as Croatia, Turkey, Macedonia and Montenegro) were eligible to profit from the five IPA components. The total pre-accession funding for the period 2007 - 2013 of IPA I was 11.5 billion Euro .
2. CARDS (Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation)
The CARDS Programme was adopted in 2000, under the Stabilisation and Association Process (SAP). It amounted 4.6 billion Euro directed to help the countries of the Balkan region in four areas:
- reconstruction, democratic stabilisation, reconciliation and the return of refugees
- institutional and legislative development, including harmonisation with European Union norms and approaches, to underpin democracy and the rule of law, human rights, civil society and the media, and the operation of a free market economy
- sustainable economic and social development, including structural reform
- promotion of closer relations and regional cooperation among countries and between them, the EU and the candidate countries of central Europe.
Albania became eligible for the EU PHARE Programme in 1992, with the signing of trade and Cooperation Agreement EU- Albania). It was designed to assist candidate countries in strengthening their institutional capacity and making them capable to meet the challenges of the EU membership. PHARE Programme paid a special focus towards strengthening the capacity of public administration. The total amount of PHARE Funds allocated to Albania for the period 1991-2000 reached 631.5 million Euro.
EU - Albania negotiations
The first Inter-Governmental Conference on accession negotiations with Albania took place on 19 July 2022. The first step in the accession negotiations process, the analytical examination of the EU acquis or the ‘screening’, was launched on the same date and progressed smoothly. The screening process was finalized on November 2023. The EU accession negotiation process with Albania is conducted in line with the revised enlargement methodology, and the requirements set out in the Negotiating Framework, which put an even stronger focus on the fundamentals of the accession process. There are 33 chapters that are going to be negotiated between EU and Albania grouped in 6 thematic clusters as foreseen by the New Enlargement Methodology. So far, Albania has officially opened two clusters. Cluster 1 - Fundamentals on October 15, 2024, through the Second Inter-Governmental Conference, and Cluster 6 - External Relations on December 17, 2024, through the Third Inter-Governmental Conference.
Cluster 1 - Fundamentals - opened on: 15 October 2024
Cluster 2 - Internal Market
Cluster 3 - Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth
Cluster 4 - The Green Agenda and Sustainable Connectivity
Cluster 5 - Resources, Agriculture and Cohesion
Cluster 6 - External Relations - opened on: 17 December 2024
Screening Timetable EU-Albania
Cluster | Explanatory meeting | Bilateral meeting |
Cluster 1 - Fundamentals | 15 – 27 September 2022 | 08 November – 12 December 2022 |
Cluster 2 - Internal Market | 07 - 14 October 2022 | 17 January – 09 March 2023 |
Cluster 3 - Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth | 17 - 21 October 2022 | 27 March – 06 June 2023 |
Cluster 4 - The Green Agenda and Sustainable Connectivity | 15 – 20 March 2023 | 19 June - 13 July 2023 & 12 - 13 September 2023 |
Cluster 5 - Resources, Agriculture and Cohesion | 17- 20 July 2023 | 03 October – 16 November 2023 |
Cluster 6 - External Relations | 26 - 27 September 2023 | 23 – 24 November 2023 |
Partnership Platform on European Integration (PPEI)
Partnership Platform on European Integration is established by the Order Nr. 113, of date 30.08.2019 “On the forms of participation, functioning and institutional structure of the European integration partnership platform”. Partnership Platform aims to make possible the involvement and engagement of: civil society actors, private sector, academia, local associations and workers associations, consulting and monitoring the accession negotiations process of the country. The PPEI consists of two levels which are the Board of PPEI and 33 Discussion and Consultation Tables respectively for each chapter of the acquis being negotiated and are chaired by the negotiators of the respective chapter. Any organisation, individual or interest group can become part of the discussion table by sending a CV and an expression of interest electronically to the responsible ministries or institutions that have the obligation to make the calls public. Part of the discussion groups can be: CSO; associations of local government bodies; the business community; employers' associations; the academic world.
Lead Institution | Chapters coordinating | Clusters |
Ministry of Finance | Chapter 16 – Taxation | Cluster 3 – Competitiveness & Inclusive Growth |
Chapter 29 – Customs Union | Cluster 3 – Competitiveness & Inclusive Growth | |
Chapter 32 – Financial Control | Cluster 1 – Fundamentals | |
Chapter 33 – Financial and Budgetary Provisions | Cluster 5 – Resources, Agriculture & Cohesion | |
Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation | Chapter 1 – Free Movement of Goods | Cluster 2 – Internal Market |
Chapter 2 – Freedom of Movement for Workers | Cluster 2 – Internal Market | |
Chapter 3 – Right of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services | Cluster 2 – Internal Market | |
Chapter 6 – Company Law | Cluster 2 – Internal Market | |
Chapter 7 – Intellectual Property Law | Cluster 2 – Internal Market | |
Chapter 20 – Enterprise and Industrial policy | Cluster 3 – Competitiveness & Inclusive Growth | |
Chapter 28 – Consumer and Health Protection | Cluster 2 – Internal Market | |
Chapter 30 - External Relations | Cluster 6 – External Relations | |
Ministry of Justice | Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights | Cluster 1 – Fundamentals |
Ministry of Interior | Chapter 24 – Justice, Freedom and Security | Cluster 1 – Fundamentals |
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development | Chapter 11 - Agriculture and Rural Development | Cluster 5 – Resources, Agriculture & Cohesion |
Chapter 12 – Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Policy | Cluster 5 – Resources, Agriculture & Cohesion | |
Chapter 13 – Fisheries | Cluster 5 – Resources, Agriculture & Cohesion | |
Ministry of Education and Sports | Chapter 25 – Science and Research | Cluster 3 – Competitiveness & Inclusive Growth |
Chapter 26 – Education and Culture | Cluster 3 – Competitiveness & Inclusive Growth | |
Ministry of Health and Social Protection | Chapter 19 – Social policy and Employment | Cluster 3 – Competitiveness & Inclusive Growth |
INSTAT | Chapter 18 – Statistics | Cluster 1 – Fundamentals |
Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs | Chapter 31 – Foreign, Security and Defence Policy | Cluster 6 – External Relations |
Ministry of Tourism and Environment | Chapter 27 – Environment | Cluster 4 – Green Agenda & Sustainable Connectivity |
Public Procurement Agency | Chapter 5 – Public Procurement | Cluster 1 – Fundamentals |
Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy | Chapter 10 – Information Society and Media | Cluster 3 – Competitiveness & Inclusive Growth |
Chapter 14 – Transport policy | Cluster 4 – Green Agenda & Sustainable Connectivity | |
Chapter 15 – Energy | Cluster 4 – Green Agenda & Sustainable Connectivity | |
Chapter 21 – Trans-European Networks (TEN) | Cluster 4 – Green Agenda & Sustainable Connectivity | |
Competition Authority | Chapter 8 – Competition Policy | Cluster 2 – Internal Market |
Authority on Financial Surveillance | Chapter 9 – Financial Services | Cluster 2 – Internal Market |
Bank of Albania | Chapter 4 – Free Movement of Capital | Cluster 2 – Internal Market |
Chapter 17 – Economic and Monetary Policy | Cluster 3 – Competitiveness & Inclusive Growth | |
SASPAC | Chapter 22 – Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments | Cluster 5 – Resources, Agriculture & Cohesion |
Key EU documents shaping relations between Albania and EU:
Enlargement Package
Each year the Commission adopts its "Enlargement Package" - a set of documents explaining its policy on EU enlargement. The core of this package is a Communication on enlargement, which takes stock of the developments over the last year. It examines the progress made by the candidate countries and potential candidates, the challenges encountered and reforms to be addressed and sets out proposals for the way forward. In addition to the main Communication, the package contains the Reports in which the Commission services present their detailed annual assessment of the state of play of the reform progress in each candidate country and potential candidate over the last year. These assessments are accompanied by recommendations and guidance on the reform priorities.
- EC, Enlargement Package 2024
- EC, Enlargement Package 2023
- EC, Enlargement Strategy Paper 2022
- EC, Enlargement Strategy paper 2021
- EC, New Enlargement Methodology paper
- EC, Enlargement Strategy paper 2019
- EC, Enlargement Strategy Paper 2018
- EC, Enlargement Strategy Paper 2016
- EC, Enlargement Strategy paper 2015
- EC, Enlargement Strategy paper 2014
- EC, Enlargement Strategy paper 2013
- EC, Enlargement Strategy paper 2012
- EC, Enlargement Strategy paper 2011
- EC, Enlargement Strategy paper 2010
- EC, Enlargement Strategy paper 2009
- EC, Enlargement Strategy paper 2008
- EC, Enlargement Strategy paper 2007
- EC, Enlargement Strategy paper 2006
- EC, Enlargement Strategy paper 2005
EC Reports on Albania:
- Report on Albania 2024
- Report on Albania 2023
- Report on Albania 2022
- Report on Albania 2021
- Report on Albania 2020
- Report on Progres of Albania 2020
- Report on Albania 2019
- Report on Albania 2018
- Report on Albania 2016
- Report on Albania 2015
- Progress Report on Albania 2014
- Progress Report on Albania 2013
- Progress Report on Albania 2012
- Progress Report on Albania 2011
- EC Opinion on Albania's application for the EU membership Analytical Report 2010
- Progress Report on Albania 2009
- Progress Report on Albania 2008
- Progress Report on Albania 2007
- Progress Report on Albania 2006
- Progress Report on Albania 2005
- Stabilisation and Association Report on Albania 2004
- Stabilisation and Association Report on Albania 2003
Screening Reports for Albania
A screening report is a comprehensive assessment document produced by the European Commission as part of the accession negotiations process for countries seeking to join the European Union (EU). During the screening process, representatives from the candidate country meet with EU officials to discuss specific areas of legislation. The purpose is to identify any gaps or discrepancies between the candidate country's laws and regulations and the requirements of the EU acquis. The screening report documents these findings, outlining areas where the candidate country needs to make adjustments or reforms to meet EU standards. The screening report covers a wide range of policy areas and it provides a detailed analysis of the candidate country's legal framework, administrative capacity, and implementation mechanisms. It serves as a roadmap for the candidate country, highlighting the necessary reforms and adjustments it needs to make to progress further in the accession process. It also guides the EU and the candidate country in determining the priorities and timeline for future negotiations and reforms.
EC Screening Report for Cluster 1 - Fundamentals, July 2023
European Partnership with Albania:
European Partnership with Albania 2008
European Partnership with Albania 2006
European Partnership with Albania 2004
Council Regulation on the establishment of European partnerships in the framework of the SAA
Key documents of the Albanian government:
The National Program for Accession to the European Union (NPAEU) is a guiding document for the detailed planning of strategic, legal, institutional, and investment measures for the period 2024-2030, serving as a crucial instrument for the accession process to the EU. The primary sources for the preparation of the NPAEU include legal and institutional analyses for each chapter, aiming to address gaps in the alignment of negotiating chapters by 2030. The NPAEU 2024-2030 is integrated and implemented through the National Plan for European Integration (NPEI) 2024-2026, updated annually to ensure alignment with the EU acquis.
National Plan on EU Integration (NPEI) is a strategic document of the Albanian government prepared to direct and coordinate Albania's integration process into the European Union (EU) with a 3-year horizon. Its aim is to include legislative acts to align Albanian law with that of the EU, crucial for fulfilling the obligations arising from the Stabilization and Association Agreement and ensuring compliance with the criteria for EU membership. The NPEI coordinates the legislative approximation process by setting priorities, responsible institutions, deadlines, and costs for implementing the aligned legislation, including studying, identifying gaps, drafting, and monitoring the implementation of legislative acts for alignment.
- NPAEU 2024-2030 & NPEI 2024-2026
- National Plan on EU Integration 2023-2025
- National Plan on EU Integration 2022-2024
- National Plan on EU Integration 2021-2023
- National Plan on EU Integration 2020-2022
- National Plan on EU Integration 2019-2021
- National Plan on EU Integration 2018-2020
- National Plan on EU Integration 2017-2020
- National Plan on EU Integration 2016-2020
- National Plan on EU Integration 2015-2020
- Action Plan on Addressing the Short term Recommendations 2015
Roadmaps for Cluster 1 - Fundamentals
Roadmap for Rule of Law - aims to take provisions until 2030 for areas that are included in Chapters 23 - Judiciary and fundamental rights and 24 - Justice, Freedom, Security. These areas include: 1- Justice Reform (Independence, Impartiality, Accountability, Quality, Efficiency), 2- Fight against Corruption (Prevention, Investigation History, Law Enforcement), 3- Fundamental Rights (Protection of personal rights, Freedom of Expression and Media, Non-Discrimination, Gender Equality, Women's Rights, Children's Rights, Property Rights, Rights of National Minorities), 4- Rights of EU citizens. The roadmap contains strategic legislative provisions and the institutional framework, provisions which will be implemented within the period 2024-2030.
Roadmap for Functioning of Democratic Institutions - The European Commission has requested a Roadmap for the Functioning of Democratic Institutions as part of Albania's screening process for Cluster 1 - Fundamentals. While not mandatory, this Roadmap plays a crucial role in identifying priorities and actions necessary to meet Political Criteria. It focuses on strategic, legislative, and institutional framework, aiming to address gaps, clarify roles, and ensure compliance with EU standards. Specific measures with clear timelines for the 2024-2030 period are outlined within this Roadmap, covering areas such as the 1-electoral process, 2-the functioning of the Assembly, and 3-strengthening of the Civil Society.
Roadmap for Public Administration - aims to coordinate and monitor strategies for sustainable development and enhance public participation in decision-making processes. In the field of civil services and human resource management, it seeks to improve the selection, training, and performance of civil servants, enhance salaries, and promote institutional integrity. Regarding service delivery, it aims to advance digital infrastructure and citizen access to public services. In the realm of public finances, it aims to ensure consistency in budget forecasting and improve transparency and efficiency in the borrowing process.
National Strategy for Development and European Integration 2021-2030 (NSDEI III) Is the main national strategic document that supports the steady social and economical development of the country, by providing the accomplishments of the standards and the progress in the European integration process. It spans over a decade-long timeframe from 2021-2030 and continues the implementation of the National Strategy for Development and European Integration 2016-2020 (NSDEI II) across all strategic areas of Albania's development and its integration process into the European Union. Unlike previous cycles of the strategic framework, NSDEI 2030 aims to reflect development priorities over a relatively longer time period. The three thematic pillars of NSDEI III are:
- Strengthening democracy and good governance institutions
- Agenda for sustainable economic development, connectivity, and green growth
- Social cohesion
National Strategy for Development and Integration 2014-2020
National Strategy for Development and Integration 2007-2013
EMA's analysis for European Integration process:
- Albania’s Scorecard on Progress and Level of Preparation regarding EU accession, November 2023
- Albania’s Scorecard on Progress and Level of Preparation regarding EU accession during 2021, October 2022
- Policy Paper: Consultation process in Albania under EU integration – What role for Civil Society?, June 2022
- Inclusion of Civil Society Organizations on the EU Integration process of the country (April 2021)
- Study: Exploring the challenges in the perspective of Albania’s Europeanization (August 2020)
- Evolving or Revolving: Institutional Reforms and Democratic Legitimacy (January 2020)
- Connectivity for Development (November 2018)
- Regional Research: IPA II Absorption Capacities (November 2017)
- Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance and the countries of the Western Balkans (June 2018)
- National Convention on EU Integration: Assessment and Recommendations 2015-2016 (July 2016)
- Explaining Berlin Process to the Foreign Service (February 2016)
- EU Conditionality as a transformative power in the case of the Albanian Public Administration (February 2015)
- Civil Society in the EU Integration of the Western Balkans (October 2014)
- EU accession negotiation institutional frame for Albania (September 2014)
- Albania's challenges in benefiting from the HRDC IPA IV (November 2012)
- Meeting EU Cohesion policy and IPA requirements (November 2012)
- Beyond the candidate status - new approach towards EU accession (October 2012)
- Scorecard on Albania’s Progress Towards EU Membership During 2011
- Policy study: “12 key priorities for Albania: Where do we stand?”
- Thessaloniki II - A way to break the status quo of the European Integration Process (January 2011)
- Brain Gain policies and their impact on the European Integration of Albania (June 2010)
- Scenarios of an application (November 2010)
- Accessing Integration: Problems and Solutions to Adapting IPA in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia (May 2010)
- The EU Spanish Presidency: Between hope and reality (March 2010)
- A tour on the Progress Reports of European Commission for Albania (December 2009)
- The EU Swedish Presidency and its implications to the enlargement process of Western Balkans (October 2009)
- Albania's Application for the EU Membership: Time for tangible results (January 2009)
Other monitoring and analysis reports:
- NCEI 2019-2021
- 2019 Parliament’s Role in the EU Integration Process
- 2019 Berlin Process: Implementation of Connectivity and Institutional Governance
- 2019 Twelve proposals for EU Enlargement from the Western Balkans
- 2019 Legacy Issues and the Rule of Law in the Western Balkans: Slow Progress and Countless Obstacles
- 2019 EU Accession Talks for Albania and North Macedonia: Mirage or Reality?
- 2019 Life and Society in EU candidate countries
- 2019 SIGMA Monitoring Report: Public Administration
- 2019 MAPS Report Albania
- 2019 Economic Reform Programs Albania
- 2019 Progress towards meeting the economic criteria for EU accession
- EBRD Transition Report: 2019 Albania
- 2019 - 10th Meeting of SA Council
- 2018 EU financial assistance available to local and regional authorities in the candidate and potential candidate countries for EU enlargement
- 2018 Municipalities in the EU Integration process
- Nations in Transit 2018: Albania by Freedom House
- Nations in Transit 2017: Albania by Freedom House
- Nations in Transit 2016: Albania by Freedom House
- Nations in Transit 2015: Albania by Freedom House
- Nations in Transit 2014: Albania by Freedom House
- Nations in Transit 2013: Albania by Freedom House
- Nations in Transit 2012: Albania by Freedom House
- BTI 2012 | Report on Albania
- Civic Monitoring Report on the Action Plan to address the 12 recommendations of the EC Opinion for Albania by OSFA 2011
- Bridge over troubled waters? The role of the Internationals in Albania by Centre for Liberal Strategies 2012
- The long road of Albania towards European Union by German Council on Foreign Relations 2012
- Nations in Transit 2011: Albania by Freedom House
- The democratic transformation of the Balkans by European Policy Center 2011
- Nations in Transit 2010: Albania by Freedom House
- Summary of the main findings of the Gallup Balkan Monitor survey 2010
- Annual Monitoring Report of Albania's Progress in the Stabilization -Association Process by OSFA 2010
- Summary of the main findings of the Gallup Balkan Monitor survey 2009
- Nations in Transit 2009: Albania by Freedom House
- Annual Monitoring Report of Albania's Progress in the Stabilization-Association Process by OSFA 2009
- Annual Monitoring Report of Albania's Progress in the Stabilization-Association Process by OSFA 2008
Other actors that monitor, analyze and report on the process of European Integration of Albania:
- Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
- European Policy Centre (EPC)
- European Stability Initiative (ESI)
- Freedom House
- Gallup Balkan Monitor
- Open Society Foundation for Albania (OSFA)
- Transparency International (TIA)
- Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
- German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
- Centre for Liberal Strategies (CLS)
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