Studies, Manuals and Reports

Monitoring Report: The public administration reform (PAR) mainstreaming in Policy Development and Coordination for the Regional Development and Cohesion Policy, July 2022

The report analyses the policy development and coordination process for the regional development and cohesion policy in Albania. There are two institutions that are responsible for the RDC policy in Albania: Prime Minister’s Office (specifically the Deputy Prime Minister Office) and Albanian Development Fund (ADF), an institution established in 1993.  The report follows a standard […]

Migrant Integration Policy Index 2020 – Country Report Albania, November 2020

This country report is published by MIPEX group, based on the information and data offered by the researchers of European Movement Albania as the Albanian partner of the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX). MIPEX2020 is a unique tool which measures policies to integrate migrants in 52 countries across five continents including all EU countries + […]

Study: Exploring the challenges in the perspective of Albania’s Europeanization, August 2020

 This publication presents and analyses the conclusions drawn from the surveys conducted in the period February-April 2020 with 100 professional respondents from Albania through face-to-face and online interviews due to Covid-19 regulations. The study puts forward the extracted quantitative and qualitative data regarding the perception of Albanian professionals on the perspective of European integration, the […]

Insitutitonal capacities for implementing The Posting of Workers Directive in the Western Balkans: A NEEDS ASSESMENT, August 2019

The needs assessment provides a review of the capacities of the four candidate countries of the Western Balkans, namely Albania, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia, to implement the Posting of Workers Directive (96/71/EC). The needs assessment is done through the incremental approach of identifying existing capacities in all four countries and making best use of […]

Education and research in Western Balkan Region: An assessment of countries’ experiences and their performance in EU funded programmes (Case study: Albania, Kosovo and Serbia), February 2019

This regional study is prepared within the project “Creating synergy in Western Balkans for strengthening education, research and science”, supported by Western Balkan Fund. It is implemented by a team of experts from European Movement Albania in partnership with Balkans Policy Research Group, Kosovo and European Movement Novi Sad, Serbia. The Western Balkan countries have […]

Posting of Workers in Eastern Europe (EEPOW) – Country Report: Albania, November 2018

Posting of Workers in Eastern Europe (EEPOW) is a project supported by European Commission and being implemented by European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research in Austria in partnership with three organisations from EU countries (Germany, Italy, Slovenia) and four organizations from Western Balkan Countries (Albania, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia). EMA is the organisation […]

Policy Study: Connectivity for Development, taking the Highway for Economic Growth, November 2018

The goal of this study is to contribute in the documentation of progress that Albania, Kosovo and Serbia have achieved in implementing the commitments taken in framework of the Connectivity Agenda. It seeks to draw the attention on the need to develop monitoring mechanisms at regional level, so as to ensure a timely implementation of […]

Monitoring Report of Chapter 23 (Judiciary and Fundamental Rights) and Chapter 24 (Justice, Freedom. Security), October 2017

The purpose of this Assessment Report is to monitor the level of implementation of reforms as well as the progress achieved in key areas related to Chapter 23 (Judiciary and Fundamental Rights) and Chapter 24 (Justice, Freedom and Security) in framework of the integration process of Albania in the European Union. This Executive Summary provides […]

National Convention on EU Integration – Assessment and Recommendations 2015-2016

EMA has the pleasure to share with you the publication of National Convention on EU Integration – Assessments and Recommendations 2015-2016. Perceiving EU integration not as a mere institutional agenda, but as an ambitious development project being continuously determined from the whole society, the role of CSOs and citizens actively committed is crucial to promote […]

A Regional MIPEX Assessment of the Western Balkans 2015

EMA has the pleasure to share with you the Regional Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX) Assessment of Western Balkans for year 2015.  It is the first time Albania is involved  in MIPEX evaluation, while EMA team with the collaboration of national experts working on state institutions or different NGOs  filled out the MIPEX questionnaire for Albania, which is a reference […]