Regional Research: IPA II Absorption Capacities, November 2017

This Regional research is result of a yearlong work on understanding, researching and analysing
IPA II absorption capacities in three countries of Western Balkans with the guidance and expe-
rience of Visegrad group countries. Within the framework of the Regional Convention
on European Integration of Western Balkans, supported by International Visegrad Fund on one side researchers from V4(Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, EUROPEUM (Czech Republic), Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungary) and Center for Eastern Studies (Poland) has provided an overview of their own experience in this field and lessons learned, and on the other side, researchers from Albania, Serbia and Montenegro (European Movement in Serbia, European Movement in Albania and European Movement in Montenegro) analysed current situations in their respective countries with recommendations for future improvements.

Regional Research: IPA II Absorption Capacities