RTSH – Unravelling Europe Day: in Conversation with Gledis Gjipali, 9 May, 2024

As part of the Europe Day discourse, Gledis Gjipali, EU Integration Expert, enriched the dialogue by addressing a broad spectrum of topics. Starting with the historical importance of this day, as a celebration of the European Union, he emphasized the multidimensional benefits this union of states has brought in over the recent decades. Gjipali mentioned the essential place Albania has had in this path, both as a receiver and a giver in various fields, acting as a motor for its development as an independent state. Moving further on, Gjipali discussed the challenges and failures of the European Union in its path, including the interstate conflicts and the impact of events of recent times, such as Brexit. In addition, he brought up ideas for political and military union, still something abstract, but identified as the future of the EU. Gjipali took the conversation further to the EU’s involvement with Russia, the support of Ukraine, and its diplomatic entanglements with states like Serbia and China. He also shared his perspective on handling the EU integration process of Albania and North Macedonia separately. At the end of his speech, Gjipali concluded with an optimistic attitude, emphasizing that with the intensification of reforms and a deeper focus on improving performance before the EU, it is possible that the accession date, planned for 2023 , to be achieved. 

RTSH – Unravelling Europe Day: in Conversation with Gledis Gjipali, 9 May, 2024