A2 CNN – Deliu: EU slams refugees’ doors. Is Albania opening them? 11 April 2024

Nirvana Deliu, an Integration Expert with a specialisation on migration issues, was invited to share her thoughts on the new law approved by the European Parliament regarding immigration reform. She stated that rather than closing the door to migrants, the law tightens regulations and imposes new restrictions. She claimed that the new law only emphasizes the removal of approvals for asylum seekers who lack a reliable and valid reason to receive housing, meaning that the list of those who qualify for housing assistance is exhaustive. The expert mentions Eurodac, a pre-process that will act as a screening process to verify or deny the applicant’s right to asylum, indicating that both the process and the response time will be shortened. According to Deliu, the Dublin System will stay the same, but under the new agreement, a comprehensive list of exceptions will be provided, and the idea of solidarity will encourage nations without a high refugee inflow to assist nations experiencing a surplus of refugees. The expert commented that the new legislation’s primary goal is to bring about uniformity and harmonisation in the procedures and conditions provided to refugees. She added that the cooperation with third countries is another aspect of the new agreement that is underlined. Deliu concluded by stating that new funding amounts have been established for individualised refugee assistance and that the new legislation is anticipated to be finalised with approval from the European Council.

A2 CNN – Deliu: EU slams refugees’ doors. Is Albania opening them? 11 April 2024